It is not too late to sign up for this year's Tennis Shoe Crew! Practices begin Monday, April 22 and will continue until Wednesday, May 22. Cost is $20 and scholarships are available if needed.

CAPS Families this is a reminder that Monday, April 15 is a Late Start Monday for students. Cadillac High School and Innovation begin at 9:20, Mackinaw Trail Middle School begins at 9:05 and elementary schools begin at 10:00 am. Busses will pick up students 1 1/2 hours later tomorrow morning.

It's Lincoln Elementary School's Grab & Go FREE Spring Clothing event, on Saturday, April 13 from 9am-11am in the front loop of the school. Stop by and "grab" some gently used clothing for the spring and summer season. (Drop off any donations between 4pm and 5:30pm today (Friday, 4/12). There is no need to donate to participate on Saturday, all are welcome.

Viking Families,
Registration for CAPS Summer Clubhouse is open. Register a student online at https://www.cadillacschools.org/page/early-childhood-programs (*if you have trouble with this link please copy and paste it into your browser.) It's a great day to be a Cadillac Viking!

Please send in your RSVP's for the Spring Fling as soon as possible! Dance is Friday, April 19th, 2024 from 6:30 - 8:30 at Mackinaw Trail Middle School.

Kindergarten fosters creativity and imagination. Do you know a child who will be five by September 1? It’s time to register for Kindergarten Round-Up. Appointments are being scheduled for April 16, 17 and 18. It's not too late to register online at www.cadillacschools.org/enrollnow

What a day we had here at Forest View! Return of the First Grade Market this morning followed by viewing of the solar eclipse. First graders did an awesome job making goods to sell to their family and friends. They produced, sold and got to spend their well earned proceeds after the market closed. Solar eclipse or not, futures are looking bright for Forest View kids! Good things are happening here!

Do you know a child who will be five by September 1? It’s time to register for Kindergarten Round-Up. Appointments are being scheduled for April 16, 17 and 18. It's not too late to register online at https://www.cadillacschools.org/enrollnow

Forest View Families -
Here is the link to the parent communication letter for April. Have a good weekend.

With all of the excitement of tomorrow being our last day before spring break we are not going to be popping popcorn. We look forward to popping again in April!

It's a great day to be a Cadillac Viking! Now hiring for Seasonal Grounds Crew and Summer Painting Crew.

Forest View Carnival is tomorrow, March 16 from 2:00 pm to 4:00pm. Please join us for a great time with family and friends!

Cadillac Area Public Schools is adding to our Technology Department. Applications will be accepted through April 1, 2024. Competitive salary, benefits, paid time off and holiday pay. Apply at www.cadillacschools.org/jobs

To help us celebrate reading month, former principal Mrs. Paulen, has come home to read to all our classes! Thank you Mrs. Paulen for joining us today, good things are happening here!

We are so excited to spend time with all our Forest View families this Saturday for our School Carnival!

CAPS Families this is a reminder that Monday, March 11 is a Late Start Monday for students. Cadillac High School and Innovation begin at 9:20, Mackinaw Trail Middle School begins at 9:05 and elementary schools begin at 10:00 am. Busses will pick up students 1 1/2 hours later tomorrow morning.

We here at Forest View are celebrating March is Reading Month! We have lots of fun activities planned. Today, all students received a new t-shirt to start the celebrations. We plan to have the kids wear these t-shirts every Friday in March. Good things are happening here!

CAPS Families: Cadillacs Schools will be closed today due to weather conditions. CAPS Clubhouse is open.

CAPS Family Expo is on Thursday, 2/29 from 5pm-7pm at Cadillac High School. This event is intended to provide valuable support to families. Information and seminars will focus on SAFETY, EDUCATION, COMMUNITY, and CONNECTION visit www.cadillacschools.org for a complete list of community partners and featured guests.

Forest View Families,
Just a reminder that PTO flower orders and money are due in the office this week by Friday. Please call with any questions. Thank you!